Writers Workshop: Revised

Announcing changes to our format...

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Marshall Plan of Novel Writing

At our last workshop, two of our members discussed their experiences using The Marshall Plan of Novel Writing, a 16-step writing program which breaks down the novel-writing process into small, manageable tasks that even the most inexperienced writers can achieve. Readers will learn how to find a hook, create a conflict, develop a protagonist and set her into motion.

As one reviewer puts it, "This is not a book about how to write great dialogue or develop charismatic characters (even though there are tips on how to get some of this accomplished).  This book is a blueprint, the scene by scene layout of your novel's plot structure.... detailed as stating the order in which the first 15 scenes (called sections) need to occur and what characters need to appear in those scenes and what in general terms need to happen."

Here is the link to the Amazon item.  http://www.amazon.com/Marshall-Plan-Novel-Writing/dp/1582970629

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, and a successful month of writing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone. Just posting a quick note because I will not be at the next meeting. I am actually going up to a Grub Street seminar on "Plotting the Novel" (I kind of didn't realize it was the same night. Oops.) But I will take good notes and promise to share!
