Writers Workshop: Revised

Announcing changes to our format...

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A New Chapter for Writers Workshop

The North River Arts Society has been fortunate to have a strong core of talented writers working together for the past five years. This group has matured together, helping each individual to improve their works-in-progress and advance toward their writing goals. For five years, we've read each other's pages, followed plot twists and major revisions, and encouraged each other with constructive criticism. At this time, this group is closing to maintain this level of involvement and momentum. Meanwhile, the Writers Workshop is opening up a new chapter for beginning and/or aspiring writers who wish to embark on a writing journey--whether just starting or revising a novel, sharpening short stories, or simply seeking inspiration and the community of other writers working toward similar goals. If you are interested in joining this new group, Writers Workshop II, please contact the NRAS office at 781-837-8091 or northriverarts@gmail.com. Three short writing samples and NRAS membership are required for participation. All genres are welcome: fiction, nonfiction, historical fiction, memoir, short stories, children’s books, etc. Space is limited.